Presentation of the OECD Guidelines

The OECD Guidelines are recommendations that governments adhering to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises address to companies, national or multinational, operating anywhere in the world.
Despite their voluntary nature, adhering countries have made a binding commitment to implement them.
The purpose of the Guidelines is to promote a positive business contribution to economic, environmental and social progress, to strengthen mutual trust between enterprises and societies, and to improve the environment for foreign investment.

Adopted for the first time in 1976, since then several updates have been made for a progressive adaptation of them to the international investment landscape. The main changes concern the integration of a new chapter on human rights but also the integration of the most comprehensive notion of due diligence and responsible supply chain management.

A non binding principles adressed for entreprises
A new and comprehensive approach to due diligence
For a positive contributions by enterprises to sustainable development

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