Presentation of the Moroccan NCP
Morocco’s accession, in 2009, to the OECD Declaration on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises, marks international recognition of the efforts made by the Kingdom to revive growth, employment, investment and improve the governance framework of public and private institutions.
Through this membership, Morocco has joined the growing number of countries concerned with strengthening multilateral cooperation, improving the transparency of the business environment and promoting responsible business conduct through compliance with the OECD Guidelines for multinational entreprises .

Organization of the Moroccan NCP
Since 19 January 2023, the Moroccan NCP has had a new (tripartite) organisation. In addition to ministry representatives, it includes representatives of certain constitutional bodies, a representative of the Confédération Générale des Entreprises Marocaines (CGEM) and a representative of the three most representative trade unions, namely the Union Marocaine du Travail (UMT), the Confédération Démocratique du Travail (CDT) and the Union Générale des Travailleurs du Maroc (UGTM).
This tripartite structure of the NCP will make it possible to establish a platform where multinational companies, Moroccan companies (SMEs and VSEs) and the most representative trade union organisations can pool their best practices and contribute to the dissemination of the guidelines for responsible business conduct.
The presidency and the secretariat of the Moroccan NCP are handled by the Moroccan investment development & export agency.
The Moroccan NCP has internal regulations (In update process) which define his role and functioning.
The Moroccan NCP is made up of representatives of ministerial departments and public bodies in charge of one of the areas related to the OECD Guidelines:
- The Ministry of Foreign Affairs, African Cooperation and Moroccans Abroad
- The Ministry of Economy and Finance
- The Ministry of Economic Inclusion, Small Business, Employment and Skills
- The Ministry of Industry and Trade
- The Ministry of Higher Education, Scientific Research and Innovation
- The Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development
- The Ministry Delegate to the Head of Government in charge of Investment, Convergence and the Evaluation of Public Policies
- The National Human Rights Council
- The Competition Council
- The National Authority for Probity, Prevention and the Fight against Corruption
- Morocan Investment and Export Development Agency
How the Moroccan NCP works
The Moroccan NCP meets when convened by its president and at his initiative, at least once a year and whenever circumstances require.
Within the framework of its operation, the Moroccan NCP must respect the essential criteria set out in the “Procedural guidance of the OECD” namely, visibility, accessibility, transparency and accountability.
In this regard, the Moroccan NCP establishes and adopts its internal regulations setting its operating rules by reference to these Guidelines.
The Moroccan NCP can consult other stakeholder from public departments, public institutions or private sector to provide the necessary information and cooperation, as necessary, on any matter and whenever possible, in order to enable the NCP to achieve its objectives and missions.
The members of the NCP are bound by an obligation of confidentiality for the facts, acts and information of which they may become aware during their mandate. The confidentiality obligation remains even after the end of their mandate.